Estate Walkabout August 2024 – Slamannan

Tuesday, 6th August 2024, 09:30 - 15:00

During the walkabout, officers plan to visit the surrounding streets at each meeting point. We are also inviting representatives from other Council Services such as the Community Safety Team, Waste Management and Police Scotland as well as representatives from tenants’ groups. We hope tenants in the area will engage with us when the walkabout is in progress.

The purpose of the Walkabout is to collectively look at communal areas and the external environment generally with a view to obtaining feedback and views on how some areas might be improved.

We invite you to come along.

The proposed route and approximate times are as follows:

Meet at Slamannan Community Centre at 9:30am

The Station, Binniehill Road: 11:15am

Limerigg Community Hall: 12pm

1pm – Break

California car park next to school: 2:30pm

Slamannan Community Education Centre

Bank Street
01324 851548


  • Wheelchair Access